wow 2days race was unexpected, imho i think ambrose has got a little cocky ever since he found out he was going to nascar, he seems never to be in the wrong but any way that race was very unpreditable, i was hoping a miracle would happen and rick kelly and tander would win oh well
hmmm Bathurst on s2 would be fun, i remember on Xbox live with Race driver 2 i had 4th fastest lap ever on it ^_^
get the skins go to your live for speed folder then data/skins not skins x, and save them there, once you have done that open lfs game chose fz5 and where you see suspension and the you click colors then down the bottom it should say for example FZ5_DEFAULT click that then there will be a list of skins click the name of the skin then ur set
hmmm i wouldnt say best drift skinner at all relly wat is a drift skin theres many styles of skins and im sure theres no way you have seen every ones skin so this might be the best skinner in ur opioion well i dunno ill just put a full stop. lolz
yea i think alot of ppl would just like lfs skinning to be like (dreads saying the name) nfug lol bu i find it better to make your skin from scratch the enjoy ment you get when its done is alot more then chosing from a few over kill decals and viynls lol..imho
Well heres a pic thats not protected cause its mine lol but i think this is the screen you would be wanting, Also if you try the rsc forum im sure there was a thread some where about hex editing, Tyr google and searh for a hex editor and by the pic ive also put there sort of gives you a clue hope it helps, as i said try rsc it probly explains it alot easyier there